* Version April 2020

3warnings informs you that through the cookies we use, we do not collect or gather personal data from our Users. The purpose of the cookies is to offer you an excellent browsing experience and to improve our services according to the uses you give to the published contents or the accesses you make to the different sections of it.


What you should know about Cookies

Cookies are small files that store information on the devices of users who use our platform. Cookies are associated with the browser of a particular computer or device. Thanks to them, it is possible for 3warnings to recognize the browsers of the Users after they have visited the Web for the first time, thus determining their browsing preferences and, from there, evaluating them, being able to use them as indicators to improve our content and navigation on the Web.

Types of cookies

There are several types of cookies that may vary depending on the website or platform, each with different purposes. Thus, for example, there are

Preference cookies

These cookies allow websites to remember information that changes the look or behavior of the website, such as the language you prefer or the region you are in. These cookies also allow you to change the text size, font, and other parts of the web pages that you can customize.

Security Cookies

They serve to authenticate users, prevent the fraudulent use of login credentials and protect user data from unauthorized third parties.

Login Cookies

They are temporary cookies that remain on the computer until the user leaves the website that installs them, so that none is recorded on the user’s disk. The information obtained by means of these cookies serves to make possible the operative management with each one of the users who are accessing the web simultaneously.

Persistent cookies

These are cookies that remain stored in the cookie space of the user’s computer once they have left the website and which will be consulted again by that website the next time the user accesses it, all for the purpose of remembering information that facilitates navigation (e.g.: directly accessing the service without having to go through the login process) or the provision of a commercial service (e.g.: offering those products or services related to previous visits).

Technical cookies

They allow you to store options on our website, such as identifying a session, accessing extra or restricted content, etc.

Analysis cookies

They allow to store data about how the user navigates. In this way, browsing habits can be analysed and detected in order to improve the web to the users’ preferences.

Advertising cookies

They are used to manage and optimize aspects related to the advertising received by the user, where appropriate, as well as the frequency with which an advertisement is shown.

Behavioral advertising cookies

They serve to manage and optimize the advertising spaces of the websites by storing data on the browsing habits of users.

Local Storage

Browsers provide local storage called “sessionStorage” and “localStorage” to store information; “sessionStorage” is automatically deleted when the browser program is closed; instead, to delete “localStorage” the user must delete the browsing history.

Necessary technical cookies

This type of cookie is exempt from the obligations established in article 22.2 of the LSSI. They are technical cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the website. Without them, the website would not work.

The cookies we use at 3warnings

The table below includes the details, purpose, type and classes of cookies we have implemented on our platform. For your understanding, it is necessary for the user to know that cookies can be installed by the website itself or by third parties:

Third-party cookies

They are managed by other companies and installed from their equipment and/or domains to your terminal equipment. The vast majority of third party cookies we use are from Google. You can check their purpose by clicking this link

Own cookies

They are managed by our business and installed from our computers to your terminal equipment. They are stored locally, i.e. a file is created on the web and stored on your navigation device.


The following is a breakdown of the cookies we use on the 3warnings website

The type of cookies we use

Cookie Location Purpose Caduity Property Responsible
Local storage Web 3warnings User acceptance of cookies, so that the owner of the platform knows if he has accepted them previously. Indefinite 3warnings 3warnings
Local storage (technical cookie required) Web 3warnings AMP: Higher speed of loading the web page on the user's device Unknown Third party AMP-Google
Session Storage Web 3warnings <AMP: AMP-Accordion component operation Unknown Third party AMP-Google
Local storage Web 3warnings User acceptance of cookies, to have access to statistical data of the app, and to forms Indefinite 3warnings 3warnings
NID Forms 3warnings <NGO Control Panel</nobr>
Advertiser Control Panel
Preferences Unknown Third party Google
__Secure-3PAPISID Forms 3warnings
Control Panel NGOs
Control Panel Advertisers
Security Unknown Third party Google
__Secure-3PSID Forms 3warnings
Control Panel NGOs
Control Panel Advertisers
Security Unknown Third party Google
__Secure-3APISID Forms 3warnings
Control Panel NGOs
Control Panel Advertisers
Security Unknown Third party Google
__Secure-3HSID Forms 3warnings
Control Panel NGOs
Control Panel Advertisers
Security Unknown Third party Google
__Secure-3SSID Forms 3warnings
Control Panel NGOs
Control Panel Advertisers
Security Unknown Third party Google
S Forms 3warnings Unknown Unknown Third party docs.google.comercial - Google
Advertiser Control Panel
Unknown Unknown Third party Google
SACSID NGO Control Panel
Advertiser Control Panel
Security, user login Unknown Third party Google
Session storage NGO Control Panel
Advertiser Control Panel
Unknown Unknown Third party accounts.google.com
Local storage NGO Control Panel
Advertiser Control Panel
Unknown Unknown Third party accounts.google.com
__Host-3PLSID NGO Control Panel
Advertiser Control Panel
Security Unknown Third party accounts.google.com
_ga Web 3warnings Analytics Unknown Third party Google
-test-amp-cookie-temp Web 3warnings Analytics Unknown Third party Google

Warning about the use of cookies and other spamming techniques

As a User you are informed of the presence of cookies on this platform in order to facilitate the use and navigation of the same. However, you have the possibility of configuring your browser to be warned on screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent their installation on your hard disk.

To use our Web page or use the platform, it is not necessary to allow the installation of cookies, without prejudice to the fact that you may not be able to access some of the services or sections of the Web.

You are also informed that 3warnings does not use “spamming” techniques and that it will only treat the data that the User transmits through the use of the electronic contact forms, e-mails or contents provided through the services of the Web Page, for the purposes expressed in our Legal Notice and in our Privacy Policy.

Due to the fact that most of the cookies that are installed by our platform belong to third parties, you are informed that it is possible that their names or the amount of cookies used may change without the owner of this platform necessarily realizing it, so the user must be able to review and uninstall them, if necessary, by checking on the website and choosing the routes established at the end of the document, if any. Sometimes, it may happen that the owner of this platform does not know exactly the purpose of each one, however, being necessary for some functions offered by our website.

In any case, the cookies will be revised periodically to reflect any changes that may occur, but there is no guarantee that they are completely updated or up to date.

If the user has any doubts, at the end of this document there is more information about third party cookies. You can also consult the instructions and manuals of your browser for further information.


Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, LSSICE), in relation to cookies, requires that Users be informed prior to their browsing experience on the platform about the use, type and purpose of cookies. That is why we have implemented an information notice that is displayed once you access our platform, informing you in advance and expressly, complying with that legal precept.

As a User, if you omit the acceptance of the use of cookies and continue to navigate on our platform, we will understand that there is a tacit consent on your part to apply and use the cookies described in the previous section and, with this, we will comply with the requirements of the LSSICE.


If you wish to uninstall the cookies from your browser we indicate some links that you can consult depending on the type of browser you have installed on your terminal equipment.

In Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=es

In Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042

In Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/disable-third-party-cookies

In Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/block-or-allow-cookies

In Opera: http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/privacy/

We warn you that, after performing the process of uninstalling cookies from your browser, this may make it difficult or impossible for you to access or browse certain parts of our Website.