
Foto de Nigel Tadyanehondo

Photo by Markus Spiske


Your current app is better, faster, you have all your contacts there, it offers more services, better emoticons, and moreover, no ads...

You will support NGOs

Using other messaging apps only benefits their respective private companies. With 3warnings, you will support NGOs in solving the problems targeted by the global scientific community.

You will be able to vote for up to 5 NGOs, so they can receive more donations. Are you more concerned about research against cancer, poverty, loss of biodiversity?


Photo by Dmitry Dreyer


Photo by Helena Lopes

You will lead by example

Your contacts, when they see you change to 3warnings, will know the 3 warnings from the scientists, their solutions, and our project.

They will know that you are a committed person. Many will follow your steps, which will help the app grow, and with it, the donations to NGOs.

You will raise awareness among companies and politicians

The more users we are, the more evident is the general interest in a better world.

Companies and politicians, in order to attract our purchases and our votes, will strive to be more sustainable.


Photo by Annie Spratt

Ethical Advertising: Our Approach

The data we collect is sparse (language, country, location, and in the future, ad preferences), and is stored on your device. If you uninstall the app, that data is lost forever.

Direct messages from NGOs and companies

NGOs and companies will have a channel through which they can send messages to users who subscribe.

By subscribing, they will appear as one more contact on your list, and you will be able to receive their messages and news first hand. NGOs will be able to send these messages for free, and companies will pay according to the number of subscribers.

However, you will not be able to reply to them, it is only an outreach channel for NGOs and companies.


Photo by Matt Jones